STAR WARS 9 leaks the opening act of Episode IX , new photographs of Finn, Poe and Chewbacca filming in the UK.

The Last Jedi left our heroes at their lowest point ever. Luke is gone, the galaxy has easily fallen into Kylo Ren's hands and the resistance has been reduced to a rag-tag group on one ancient ship.
What now? The movie is widely expected to start after a time jump of a few years. Finn's long hair has been taken as confirmation of this.
The new leak claims: "Leia is sending out many people to different star systems to recruit people and rebuild the resistance. This is said to use footage of her from The Last Jedi. There were scenes shot by Rian Johnson showing Leia talking about her allies in the Outer Rim."
This and more tie in with the latest pictures.

The leak adds: "Act One will focus on Leia's plans. Poe and Finn go to the Outer Rim and it's said the First Order's headquarters are in the Unknown Regions and that they are trying to rule that part of the galaxy as well."
The interesting concept is that the First Order now seems to be established in the same way the Empire once was but with even less opposition.
What is new is the various reports seem to stress that this time the rebels do not have such an obvious and gurning villainous figure to rally against.
Much of the galaxy, some members of the resistance included, see him as a rather benevolent and positive figure.

The leaks, including a major one from back in April, stressing that even some of the resistance feel Kylo Ren has done nothing wrong and perhaps the time to fight is over.
It seems Leia's plans are two-pronged: rally the remaining rebels but also find inflammatory evidence of First Order tyranny to reignite resistance.
This sounds thoughtful and interesting but is it truly exciting? It's certainly more punchy than endless Trade Federation shenanigans (what isn't?) but is this really the stuff of film nine of the greatest saga in cinema history?
The latest leaks from 4Chan and Reddit have been rounded up by Star Wars commentator Mike Zeroh but even he cautions to "take this with a pinch of salt." However, the early pictures certainly show Finn, Poe, and Chewbacca on a mission to a desolate planet.
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