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Showing posts with the label #AirTrafficControllers

3 reasons Why The FAA Should Let Air Traffic Controllers Nap

#AirTrafficControllers #Naps #NightShifts #Sleep #FAA It's a national emergency: air traffic controllers have fallen asleep in Reno, Washington, and several other cities. Planes carrying severely ill patients arrive at airports where "nobody" is in charge. The government head of air traffic control has been asked to resign. What's going on? It's very much the same situation that occurs with pilots: if you violate human nature and the need of all terrestrial creatures to rest, something's gotta give. In this case, it's sleep -- uncontrollable sleep. We're not machines. You don't turn our switches off and on. Rest is required like food to rebuild our bodies, or we don't function or even survive. Here are some reasons that air traffic controllers and pilots are falling asleep on the job. Sadly, very similar problems occur in most night-shift workspaces. 1) Crazy Schedules People want a daytime life while working swing and night shifts. Your kids a...