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James Blake Teases Assume Form

#JamesBlake #AssumeForm #André3000 #TravisScott #MosesSumney #Rosalía #MetroBoomin #SwaVay By Peter Helman @_peterhelman | January 5, 2019 Two days ago, thanks to an early pre-order page on French Amazon, we learned that a new James Blake album called Assume Form is on the way. It’ll reportedly be out later this month and feature contributions from André 3000, Travis Scott, Moses Sumney, Rosalía, Metro Boomin, and UK rapper SwaVay. And now James Blake himself seems to be teasing the release. A projected ad featuring James Blake’s face, the words Assume Form, and the URL popped up in Shoreditch, London yesterday. If you go to the website , you can hear a looped snippet of what sounds like some beautiful new James Blake music. According to Shazam, the song is called “Lullaby For My Insomniac,” which is the closing track on the leaked tracklist Although it’s not confirmed yet, Assume Form, Blake’s first album since 2016’s The Colour In Anything , is reportedly due...