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Showing posts with the label #Triple5LightTherapy

You've already made the choice

 #BlackMaleTherapist #Psychotherapy #Triple5LightTherapy #Black #Latin #Asian #NativeAmerican #White  Perhaps you’re thinking about therapy for the first time or you currently have a therapist. If you want a new perspective., book a free consultation. All are welcome, focusing on Black, Latin, BIPOC, and LGBTQ. I work with Individuals, Couples & Families. Uriah Cty, M.A., LMFT, ⁠ Ca, LMFT License #121606⁠ Co, LMFT License #0002067 ⁠ Ks, LCMFT License #03112⁠ 213.349.5550

" Believe in Yourself " (video) #Triple5LightTherapy BlackTherapist #LGBTAffirmingTherapy "Believe In Yourself (Reprise)"  (from "The Wiz" soundtrack) If you believe,  Within your heart You'll know that no one can change The path that you must go Believe what you feel,  And know you're right because The time will come around  When you'll say it's yours Believe that you can go home,  Believe you can float on air Then click your heels three times,  If you believe Then you'll be there That's why I want you to Believe in yourself Right from the start Believe in the magic Right there in your heart Go ahead believe all these things Not because I told you to But believe in yourself If you believe in yourself Just believe in yourself As I believe in you

4 Motives Behind Love-Bombing

  Love-Bombing #Narcissism #Therapy #Triple5LightTherapy What to consider and how to respond. Love bombing has become the popular label for overwhelming someone with   attention , gifts, and words of affection or praise in order to win over their affection very early in a relationship. To the receiver, it may initially feel like being swept off your feet by someone who has fallen in love with you. After a few days or weeks, the person on the receiving end of this attention usually begins to feel uneasy and uncertain of the motives of the love-bomber. Due to numerous recent articles, many individuals are aware that this type of attention may be a sign of manipulation with malevolent intent. That certainly is a risk, particularly if the love-bomber is a narcissist or even a  sociopath . The  narcissistic  person may be using these gifts and declarations of love as a way to manipulate the receiver. Sociopaths have a history of weaponizing this strategy, with exampl...

Tomorrow (A Better You, Better Me) · Quincy Jones · Tevin Campbell ( video)

#Tomorrow #Beleive #Love #Thepromise #QuincyJones #TevinCampbell #TheBrothersJohnson #SiedahGarrett #Triple5LightTherapy #Blacktherapist I hope tomorrow will bring a better you, a better me. If we try, we can fly to a whole 'nother place All we need is belief and a smile on our face We can go anywhere we want, any road we decide to take And we're never, never, never too far from Tomorrow . . . . Today Ev'rybody say tomorrow is just for us to share And we're gonna send our message of love out everywhere. Songwriters : Siedah Garrett / George Johnson / Louis Johnson