The first installment of the Emmy-winning documentary series followed the journey of Steven Avery. Avery was convicted of sexual assault and attempted murder in 1985, but was exonerated by DNA evidence after serving 18 years in prison. He and his nephew, Brendan Dassey, were then convicted for the murder of Teresa Halbach just a few years after Avery’s release. In the second installment, series creators Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos return to the Midwest to follow Avery, Dassey, their families, and the legal teams fighting on their behalf. Part 2 introduces viewers to Kathleen Zellner, Avery’s post-conviction lawyer, as well as Dassey’s post-conviction lawyers Laura Nirider and Steven Drizin with Northwestern University’s Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth. “Steven and Brendan, their families and their legal and investigative teams have once again graciously granted us access, giving us a window into the complex web of American criminal justice,” Ricciardi...
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