#BrainScience #Brain #Aging Ten years ago, right after, I delivered a speech on innovation to the top tier of executives at a Fortune 100 company, one of the executives sought me out with a compliment. “Gee, Eric you haven’t lost a step at all.” The executive, in his forties, had known me for a couple decades, and what he really meant was that, in my late fifties, I hadn’t slowed down mentally nearly as much as he expected I would. Now in my late sixties, every other week or so, I experience this sort of attitude from people of all ages with comments like “Wow, you’re still doing that?!” or, more subtly and insidiously, having my opinion discounted because of my age. For example, I have “aged off’ a few technology advisory boards on which I served. So, yeah, I’m not happy about age bias, but is age bias grounded in reality? Do we lose a step, or two, or three as the decades accumulate? Reality vs. myths of brain aging Let’s address that question by starting with so...
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