Directed by Insidious and Furious 7 filmmaker James Wan, Aquaman follows Arthur Curry (Momoa) as he is forced to reconcile his loyalties to the surface world with his role in the undersea kingdom of Atlantis, which has become increasingly hostile to the humans polluting the oceans. The film’s supporting cast includes Amber Heard, Patrick Wilson, Willem Dafoe, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Temuera Morrison, Dolph Lundgren, and Nicole Kidman . THE FIRST POSTER Warner Bros. Pictures debuted the first official poster for Aquaman on the film’s Twitter account less than a week before the studio brought the film to Comic-Con. View image on Twitter Aquaman Movie ✔ @aquamanmovie Home is calling. # Aquaman – in theaters December 21. Watch the new trailer this Saturday. 9:00 AM - Jul 16, 2018 61.9K 30.9K people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy The poster’s debut was accompanied by c...
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