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Showing posts with the label Justin Theroux

Justin Theroux breaks his silence on 'heartbreaking' but 'amicable' split from Jennifer Aniston

Justin Theroux spoke out for the first time on his split from Jennifer Aniston – and the “Maniac” star has nothing but niceties for his ex. Theroux, 47, may have called it quits with Aniston in February, but the actor is quick to explain that their break-up, while “heartbreaking,” was far from bitter. “The good news is that was probably the most — I’m choosing my words really carefully — it was kind of the most gentle separation, in that there was no animosity,” he told The New York Times. “In a weird way, just sort of navigating the inevitable perception of it is the exhausting part.” Theroux explained that their split was comprised of “small events” that felt blown out of proportion in the media, as outlets were quick to jump on things and exploit them with a big and salacious headline. “Again, neither one of us is dead, neither one of us is looking to throw hatchets at each other,” he said. “It’s more like, it’s amicable. It’s boring, but, you know, we respec