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Showing posts with the label Jada Pinkett Smith

Jada Pinkett Smith Has 'Difficult,' 'Unfiltered' Conversation About Race on 'Red Table Talk'

#JadaPinkett Smith promised a raw conversation about a "difficult, sensitive topic" on Monday's new episode of "Red Table Talk," and the panel did not disappoint. The subject at hand: the complicated racial divide between women of color and white women, which Pinkett said was both "real" and very "deep." The conversation began with Smith, daughter #Willow and mom Adrienne Banfield-Jones discussing their own anger and biases, before two white women joined the panel. "I remember growing up and not being able to go downtown and try on hats, different places we weren't allowed to go in in our own neighborhood. It still bites," said Banfield-Jones. "I just have a lot of anger." "I do too. I have a lot of pain and hurt attached to some of the experiences I had as well," added Jada. The actress then recalled being in Virginia Beach -- likely during the 1989 Greekfest Riots, though she didn't reference i...