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Showing posts with the label Donald Trump

Trump: US troops will consider rocks thrown at them at border as 'firearms'

Donald Trump has told the US military, mobilizing at the south-west border, that any rocks thrown by migrants should be considered as firearms.  The US president made the comments on Thursday in a speech on immigration.  He promised an executive order next week that would ban migrants from claiming asylum if they cross the border illegally, and added that he would set up 'tent cities' to hold anyone coming over the border. Guardian News Published on Nov 1, 2018

Jimmy Carter: Kavanaugh is 'unfit' to be a Supreme Court justice

Speaking to a class at Emory University in Atlanta on Wednesday, Carter said that Kavanaugh’s behavior during his confirmation hearings demonstrated that his appointment was “a very serious mistake,” according to Emory’s independent, student-run newspaper, The Emory Wheel. “Whether or not [Kavanaugh] attempted to rape [Christine Blasey Ford], I thought he was temperamentally unfit to serve on the Supreme Court because of his outburst during the hearing,” Carter said, according to video taken by a student during his remarks. “I saw him lose his cool.” Kavanaugh’s confirmation process was derailed after Ford, a California professor, accused him of sexually assaulting her at a high school party in the 1980s. After testimony from both Ford and Kavanaugh, the Senate ultimately voted to confirm President Trump's second Supreme Court nominee. Carter is just one of a number of political leaders to take issue with Kavanaugh’s testimony on the allegations, which critics said was “non